What is the Subconscious?
And how does this “biologic supercomputer” control 90% of what we think, feel and do?
Does it feel strange knowing you are walking around with millions of predictions, decisions and thoughts made below your conscious awareness? I know I was SHOCKED!
This image is one example of the power of your subconscious. The picture on the L was taken by a camera and it’s what you likely imagine your true vision to be. The image on the R shows what you actually see based on the light and shadows hitting the cones and rods of your retina. Your subconscious takes the information from the retina and optic nerve and then fills in, smooths out, predicts and seamlessly delivers your vision to your conscious mind. The subconscious does this computing and interpretations for “your vision” and more. It processes approximately 11 million bits of data from your senses, surroundings, and memories per second and formulates that information into a coherent set of approximately 7-100 bits of data per second for your conscious mind.
Pg 48, Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior. By Leonard Mlodinow
Learning how to reprogram the subconscious to work WITH you instead of against you for habit change and creating the life you want is a foundational aspect of The Integration Experience! Join Us!
There is so much hope: 90% of your power hasn’t been incorporated into conventional health approaches, but it can!
By Lea Durante, NP